Daycare Sandton | Top Daycare Centre in Sandton

Oct 23, 2023

Tips for a Smooth Transition to Daycare Sandton – Preparing Your Child and Family for Success

Enrolling your child in a daycare Sandton is a big step for both parents and kids, offering new opportunities for learning and socialising. Places like FasTracKids, our daycare centre in Sandton, make the experience even better. Still, the change can be tough at times.Daycare Sandton


Eight Tips for a Seamless Transition to Daycare Sandton

Here are eight tips to help your child transition seamlessly from being at home to going to daycare:

  1. Dry Run Practice: Get your child accustomed to their new routine with a “dry run” before their big day. This practice run will create familiarity with the process, making the transition smoother for your child and providing peace of mind for you.
  2. Bring a Comfort Buddy: Pack a cherished stuffed animal or lovey for your child. An object that carries the familiar scent of home can emotionally support your child during your absence.
  3. Narrate the Experience: Tell your child a story about their new routine, even if you think they’re too young to understand. Provide information about where they’ll go and who will care for them, and emphasise that you will always come back.
  4. No Sneaking Away: Instead of a quick exit, offer a calm and confident goodbye to your child. Your demeanour and body language signal safety to your child, making them feel more at ease.
  5. Every Child is Unique: Understand that what works for one child may not work for another. Children react differently to new routines, so don’t be disheartened if a particular strategy doesn’t yield immediate results.
  6. Build a Relationship with Caregivers: Ensure your child gets to know their new caregivers. A strong relationship with the caregiver can help reduce separation anxiety. Speak to your child’s teachers to gauge their mood once you’ve left and consider having pictures of key daycare staff members at home.
  7. Be Kind to Yourself: It’s normal to feel worried or guilty about returning to work or leaving your child for the first time. Practicing self-compassion can help reduce stress. Remember that your child may “sync up” with your emotions, so maintaining your mental health is vital.
  8. Reconnect At Pick-Up: After picking up your child, be fully present. Physical closeness, cuddling, and connecting through touch can reassure your child that separation is temporary.

We at FasTracKids stand out as an exceptional choice for daycare Sandton, offering innovative educational programmes in a nurturing atmosphere. By following these tips and preparing both your child and your family, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition to daycare Sandton.

Please feel free to contact us should you have any specific questions or require more detailed information about FasTracKids.