Daycares, Crèches, Preschools, and Nursery Schools – Here is How to Tell the Difference
If you are looking for a place of care for your little one during the day, you might be somewhat confused about all the strange terms you are hearing. “Grade R”, “pre-primary”, and “ECD” are phrases that often pop up, and for new parents, the meaning of it all might get lost in translation. If you have been wondering about the differences between daycares, crèches, preschools, and nursery schools, we are here to clear up the confusion surrounding some very similar concepts.
Terms to Understand:
- ECD – Early Childhood Development
- Grade 000 – Age group of 3 – 4-year olds
- Grade 00 – Age group of 4 – 5-year olds
- Grade 0 or Grade R – Age group of 5 – 6-year olds (the year before the first grade in Primary school)
The Differences Between Pre-Primary Schools, Nursery Schools, and Kindergarten
Pre-primary schools are self-explanatory – it is usually a school that prepares a child for primary school, and so, pre-primary schools aim to accommodate children between Grade 000 and Grade R. Nursery schools (sometimes referred to overseas as kindergartens) mostly accommodate children from as young as 18 months old. Pre-primary schools and nursery schools are similar in that they run half-day programmes and sometimes an aftercare programme. All Grade R teachers are required to have formal qualifications and follow a curriculum dictated by the government or a private/independent school association. Some pre-primary schools are attached to a primary school to allow for a smooth continuation of education once the child has graduated Grade R.
Difference Between Daycares and Crèches
Crèches and daycares are interchangeable terms that mean the same thing. Both are a place of safety and routine wherein a child can be taken care of during a guardian’s working hours. Running times of daycares and crèches differ, but generally begin at 6:30 AM and close around 17:30 PM. Daycare and crèche workers do not require as much formal training, especially for younger classes that take babies in from as early as three months old. Most daycares and crèches run daily programmes, yearly planning that gets followed, mealtimes (including snacks) and a sleep routine during the middle of the day. Where nursery schools and pre-primary schools offer more academic-focused learning, daycares and crèches include more supervised free-play during the course of the day.
Preschools are like pre-primary and nursery schools in that they prepare children for primary school by making milestone achievement and academic advancement a priority, but often combine afternoon care and free-play as a part of their full-day programme. Preschools must always be licenced and adhere to the government’s regulations and policies concerning the running of such an institution.
Now that you know more about the differences between a daycare and a crèche, you can make an informed decision. At FasTracKids, not only do we have a running preschool, but we also have classes from Grade 000 to Grade 7, so you can be sure that your child is in a safe and comfortable environment until they graduate primary school. FasTracKids is an ISASA (Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa) preschool, which means that we meet the strict requirements and on-site inspection carried out by the ISASA group. If you are interested in enrolling your child in a school that believes in building a solid educational foundation, contact FasTracKids today for more information.