Looking for Crèches in Johannesburg? Choose FasTracKids in Sandton

Sep 28, 2016

Has the time finally come to start looking for crèches in Johannesburg? As a parent, it’s hard letting go of your little one – but it must be done. Ask any educator and they will all tell you that childhood education is of vital importance and should start from a very young age. It’s no longer a question of should my little one go to crèche – it’s a question of which crèche should my little one go to? 

Not All Preschool Educational Programmes are Equal 

Not all preschool educational programmes are the same, especially in such a large city such as Johannesburg. While some crèches offer a standardised education where children play, eat, sing, colour, paint, sleep and watch movies, there are some Montessori crèches in Johannesburg that place great value on creativity, confidence, collaboration, education, problem solving, leadership, communication, critical thinking, speaking skills, good social values, emotional development, and personal growth. One of these can be found in Sandton. While your choice should be based on a variety of factors, here are some reasons why you should consider FasTracKids in Sandton.

We Prepare Children for the 21st Century

Situated in the heart of Sandton, we’re an exclusive ISASA-accredited crèche that offers children from the ages of 1 to 8 an outstanding childhood education. Considered as the “Princeton of crèches in Johannesburg”, we simply prepare children for the 21st century by building a foundation for learning and by opening windows of opportunities.

We Teach Multi-Sensory Techniques and Abacus Maths

At FasTracKids, we believe that every child deserves a good stepping stone, and this should start at a very young age. Committed to encouraging children to maximise on their full potential, we offer the very finest combination of a Montessori educational system using the Educational Zig-Zagging Method, multi-sensory learning techniques, Abacus Maths, and other highly respected educational systems.

Meeting the needs of various learning styles and committed to encouraging every child to maximise on their full potential through classes that are focused on creativity, communication, confidence, critical thinking and collaboration, our crèche in Sandton offers children a wide and strong foundation for learning by making learning fun and enjoyable through their five senses.

Encouraging a much easier transfer of information, instruction and knowledge, we offer fun and exciting activities that include Art, Music, Maths, Ballet, Boot Camp, Karate, Kiddies’ Golf and Modern Dancing. Additionally, we also follow a theme each month, such as Astronomy, Biology, Communication, Transport, Things that Float, Science and Literature.

Considered as a stepping stone, attending a good crèche not only prepares a child for primary school, but it also prepares a child for life, which is why the crèche of your choice is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Be sure to choose a crèche that can offer the right academic excellence, like FasTracKids. Building a foundation, empowering children with the appropriate skills to prepare them for primary school, opening a window of opportunity, and developing 21st-century learners – we simply provide an educational advantage by encouraging children to discover a love of learning in a fun and interactive setting.

To learn more, chat to us today.