Playgroups for Toddlers

Jul 27, 2018

How Playgroups for Toddlers Can Benefit Your Child


If you are a stay-at-home-parent of a toddler, chances are that you are craving a little me time, not to mention interaction with people closer to your age. But enrolling your little one at a playgroup for toddlers is a big step – probably more so for you than your toddler. You need to, however, also keep the development for your little one in mind, because nothing will help them more with the transition from living at home and going to the “big” school. This is how playgroups for toddlers can benefit both you and your child…


Build Your Toddler’s Emotional Confidence

Every child is different and while some toddlers are super smiley and friendly, there are those who are a little more introverted and clingy. Attending a playgroup is a fantastic way to help children overcome this. This is the first time that the child is away from home, their defences are down, and this is where they start to build confidence in themselves and in others. Playgroups help young children develop both coping skills, as well as helping them to deal with separation anxiety before entering preschool, which are both important milestones.


Encourages Physical Activity

It is no secret that children are spending way more time indoors than outdoors today. Instead of lying on the couch watching cartoons or playing games on tablets, toddlers need to get out and experience new play and art opportunities, burn some calories, experience books and music, work on their coordination, and get their blood flow going – and what better way to encourage physical activity than a fun playground? Children use a whole range of different types of play to develop their social, emotional, physical and creative skills, and whether they are jumping on the trampoline, putting puzzles together, building Lego, or moulding playdough, your toddler will benefit from a few good hours of activity at playgroup.


Adult Interaction and Dialogue

While there are plenty of benefits for your little one, there are also just as many for you, the first being adult conversation. While it is amazing to be able to be a stay-at-home-parent and spend your day talking baby language, a new parent needs adult interaction. Secondly, playgroups for toddlers are a fantastic way to get referrals for preschools and primary schools. This is also a great place to learn a little bit more about raising your child, how other mother’s do it, what to expect and how to deal with tantrums, and teething. Playgroups for toddlers allow parents to introduce their children to a whole range of activities they may not be able to do at home.


We Prepare Children for the 21st Century

If you would like to enrol your little one in a playgroup for toddlers, then turn to FasTracKids in Sandton. As a proven innovator of early childhood education, we not only offer programs from the ages of one to eight years old, but we offer playgroups for toddlers between the ages of 14 months and 2½ years. With the belief that every child deserves a good stepping stone, which starts from a very young age, we prepare young children for the 21st century by building a foundation for learning and by opening windows of opportunities. To learn more, feel free to contact us so that we may discuss exactly what you want for your little one.