For inexperienced parents and guardians who are looking for a day care in Sandton for the first time, choosing between multiple schools may be challenging. Areas within and surrounding Sandton boast plenty of educational institutions, and for some, it may be easiest to enrol their child in the nearest school. The problem with settling with the day care closest to your home is that you may be missing out on better schooling for your little one. Your child’s future success is built upon a foundation that begins when they are quite young; it is therefore vital not to compromise on quality education right now.
If you would like your child to attend a day care in Sandton, then you may be doing your research and visiting a few pre-schools. While most schools will do their best to impress you, there are a few things for which you can keep an eye out. Below are some factors that should count as red flags while looking for suitable pre-schools.
Second-Rate Facilities
While not every classroom or corridor is going to have a fresh paint job, the facilities within the school should at least be clean and tidy. Ask to have a look at bathrooms, nap areas, and even the school kitchen to get a better idea of the environment your child will engage with every day.
Unqualified Teachers
When meeting for the first time, it is almost impossible to tell if your child’s potential teacher is qualified for their position. Many parents make the mistake of assuming that the school will hire the best person for the job, but oftentimes, this is not the case. Feel free to ask the head of the day care what kind of experience the teachers have.
A Lack of Structure
No matter how affluent the area of Sandton or how well-equipped the school looks, your child still needs a quality education. Your day care of choice should have a daily programme in place that transitions between learning periods smoothly. Learning should include everything from art to mathematical literacy, with ample time to play. Remember also to ask about holiday programmes and available extracurricular activities.
No Place to Play
Unfortunately, some schools do not afford their students the level of fun and playtime they require. Playing indoors and outdoors on play structures or with a wide selection of toys is integral to a child’s development. Avoid educational institutions that do not allow for daily free play, fresh air, and sunshine.
Unhealthy Meals and Snacks
Find out about the kind of menu the pre-school offers and pay attention to how balanced the meals are. Healthy and diverse meals and snacks will include servings of protein, vegetables, and fruit. Menus that serve the same food each day like porridge or bread will not aid your child’s physical development.
For a day care in Sandton with programmes geared towards the 21st-century child’s success, you need not look further than our pre-school. By encouraging individuality, independence, and a lifelong love of learning, our curriculum is just what your little one needs as a kickstart to their schooling career. To find out more, get in touch with us today.